Year Archives: 2022

digital marketing courses

10 Best Digital Marketing Courses in Nagpur

Digital Marketing refers to advertising through digital channels such as search engines, social media, websites, email, and mobile apps. It is a method by which companies sanction goods, services, and brands. Digital Marketing courses in Nagpur is highly in-demand with the growth of online business in 2nd tier cities. Digital...

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Why does HR need to have a high level of EQ?

Human beings are inherently reactive. Emotions and people are inseparable. Thus, any situation involving people needs to be dealt with with utmost sensitivity. Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence refers to developing the ability to understand, interpret and effectively respond to our own emotions. People with a high emotional quotient are...

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Importance of EQ in Employee Engagement by HR

Human Resource is a people’s function. Feelings and individuals are indivisible which should be managed most extreme affectability for representative and associations' advantage. We might have the best of HR Tech patterns as a facilitator to further develop efficiency and execution and yet, we are managing people as well and...

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Transforming HR Strategy for Greater Value Creation

HR Strategy: According to the researchers, to win in the marketplace, it is essential to first win in the workplace. The professional sector is changing continuously and abruptly. Previously, the working hours mostly were fixed where people usually work from 9 to 6 for 5 days in the week. All...

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Reimagining HR Strategy in the VUCA world

HR Strategy in the VUCA world VUCA, an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity finds its roots in leadership theories developed by Burt Nanus and Warren Bennis. Though it was first used in military education, it gradually found its place in the emerging ideas of strategic leadership that steer all...

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What is Agile HR: Your Step-by-Step Guide

How do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite is the way! At grassroots, this is the quote for agile management. Agility and automation are the latest flaunt utilities in the corporate setup. Funnelled by multiple meetings, seamless communication, software to cut the wastage, gangplank in the hierarchical pyramid, etc....

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Role of HR in an Agile and Automated World

How Automation has changed the world? With automation displacing numerous jobs in a variety of industries, those considering a career in human resources or currently engaged in HR are understandably anxious about whether automation will also displace their jobs. While no guarantees can be made because technology is continuously improving...

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Emotional Quotient in HR

Why Emotional Quotient could be the key to a successful organization Emotional Quotient : Emotions are a core part of what makes us humane. No matter how organizations grow professionally, at their heart are people. People who can learn, grow and upskill themselves, improving their and the organization's performance. Human...

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