Pooja Nair

Pooja Nair
4 posts
Content Writer| Stay-at-Home Mother| Former Analyst & Client Grievance Support| I believe God has given us a good life and a Good world. Let us make them better together.

Kodakco Academy SAP GRC Course Review

Reviews of the Kodakco SAP GRC course Akanksha Thakur I was very skeptical at the beginning of my career. I realized that I need additional certifications to excel in my career.  That`s what inspired me to attend Kodakco SAP GRC Training course. The experts make sure you fully understand each...

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Top 10 Data Science Courses in India

If you are familiar with numbers and data, check out the top 10 Data Science courses in India today. Preface If you search the web for the sexiest jobs in 2022, you will come across data science. So why is this area so interesting? It is an interdisciplinary field. It...

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Top 18 Healthcare Institutes in Delhi

Introduction The Indian healthcare industry has seen steady growth in both employment and revenue. Additionally, the high demand for medical personnel by healthcare institutes is making this a profitable sector. The covid 19 pandemic brought to light the need for a stable and proper healthcare system. Also, it underlined the...

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