Do you feel low while writing even a simple sentence in English? Check out some English Writing tips for beginners below
Are you struggling hard in writing English? Do you feel less confident while attempting even a short paragraph in English? Want to write English flawlessly? These are the common anxieties of a beginner who constantly put the effort into enhancing his English writing skills. Whether you are a native speaker or one who is learning English as a foreign language, the commitment you make to learn and practice determines your standard. This article titled English Writing tips for beginners is for them to improve their quality of writing.
There are English writing courses online where you will meet native speakers who help you understand their accents and assist you in improving your English writing skills.
The best option that I can suggest to you is the English Writing Course offered by Henry Harvin.
Here are some English writing tips for beginners from my side that can help you solve your problems. Please continue reading.
1. Read and Write something in English daily
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” ~ Stephen King
This is the first English writing tip for beginners. Though it may seem tough in the beginning, it’s easy to follow. For a writer, it is indispensable to read at least a few lines every day. Reading does half the job of writing. If you are not a habitual reader, you will find it difficult to start this habit at first.

Just remember- No pain no gain. First, try to read simple short stories(for kids) as well. Later on, move to big ones like Charles Dicken’s novels-David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A tale of Two Cities, etc.
Some other suggestions to read are given below:
- The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
- Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
- Harry Potter Illustrated Books- J K Rowling
- To kill a Mocking Bird- Harper Lee
Or else, try to read at least a single piece of paper written in English. Make it a habit. This will make your imagination fly out in colors and you will slowly develop a flair for writing.
2. Keep an English Dictionary
Many beginners have found this to be a very useful English writing tip. If you don’t carry a pocket dictionary with you yet, it’s the right time to go and buy one. So that you can use it in your own ways in English writing. Some people try to learn about 5-10 new words from the dictionary and their meanings and close them. They do it every day and gradually get surprised to see their vocabulary increase. This is a not-so-bad tip that you can follow. If it doesn’t work for you, just refer to the dictionary for new words and their meanings whenever you find time to sit and read peacefully.
3. Keep a diary
As we spoke before, writing daily is vital, especially for beginners. Scribbling somewhere doesn’t do any good to improve your writing. There lies the importance of this English writing tip. Keep a personal diary to write exquisitely every day. In it, you can express your emotions, and feelings towards different people, places, incidents, etc. This will help you develop your creativity as well as enthusiasm to write.
Done with the basic things. Now, let’s start writing. For that purpose, here are some more English writing tips for beginners.
4. Find a topic
It’s time to gear up your brains. Writing involves more of our right brain; find a calm and silent place to sit and settle yourself. Think of a topic that you can garnish and decorate well. Firstly, write erratically what comes to your mind whether it be points or words. Later you will find a frame in it yourselves and can plan your sentences accordingly. It is a very interesting part to compose a paragraph citing suitable examples as needed that captivate the reader’s attention. Likewise, you can do mild research about your topic and taking the ideas and facts related to it, frame sentences of your own.
5. Maintain this structure: Intro-Body-Conclusion
This is an English writing tip for beginners that can’t be ignored. In the case of every write-up, the beginning will be hard. After rewriting so many times only, you would end up finalizing the structure of your content. Never mind about the number of times you rewrite the whole article. When the introduction is set, try to elaborate on the body part. Here you can include, famous sayings, examples, incidents from others’ lives, etc. Finally comes the conclusion where you would sum up the topic by adding your views on it.
6. Try to learn and use more synonyms and antonyms
It is very boring to use the same words all the time in your sentences. Readers get easily distracted and go out of your blog. Because adding synonyms will increase the readability of your blog. It is mandatory to include new synonyms in your writing. You will get them from the dictionary and there are so many websites like Word hippo,, EverNote,, etc that you can seek help.

7. Use small sentences
Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Your content should be so precise and clear that at least an eleven-year-old could understand the topic. We can’t stick to this rule in English writing all the time especially when we have to use technical words, information, definitions, jargon, etc while writing about such a topic. But try to make the sentences crisp and clear, readable and understandable to an eleven-year-old as well. The tone of the sentences is also important. You have to maintain a proper style and tone from beginning to end. Punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure are the other basic and important things to be taken care of.
Today is the deadline and I am on my article and It is 12 AM now.
Convert this into:
Today is the deadline. I am on my article and it is 12 AM now.
8. Use transition words
Of all the English Writing tips for beginners, this plays a key role in your English content. The use of connecting or transition words attracts the author to your content. Transition words or phrases are words that interlink two different sentences. These words help to carry the reader’s thoughts from one sentence to the next, and so on, without breaking the flow. Words like – and, so, again, besides, further, lastly, finally, in addition, moreover, etc can be used.
9. Remember not to repeat words
Two consecutive sentences beginning with the same word will surely affect the readability of your content. Try using different words to begin two different sentences. You should consciously avoid repetitiveness in your transition words too.
10. Anticipate your reader’s questions
This English writing tip for beginners is inevitable as you are writing for others. Always think like a reader while writing. Then only you can anticipate what the readers take from what you have written. So, you have to try to organize your content to appeal to the readers. Try not to create ambiguity in your content.
11. Use more active voices
Come to the point straight in your write-up. So it is important to use active voices. Passive voice sentences make confusion and vagueness in readers’ minds. The sentence clarity is in the hands of the writer.
For example,
Active: Researchers earlier showed that high stress can cause heart attacks.
Passive: It was earlier demonstrated that heart attacks can be caused by high stress.
It is always fair to say ‘the dog bit the man’ instead of ‘the man was bitten by the dog.’
12. Organize paragraphs one by one
Now with this English writing tip for beginners, we are moving towards the intermediate level from the basic tips. We have discussed organizing paragraphs into the introduction, body, and conclusion. Likewise, try to start your paragraphs with a sentence that explains what you are going to write about. Continue writing with sentences that explain the topic further. Finish the story with an ending summarising the ideas developed in the body part. The body part will contain more paragraphs with subheadings. But, try to make your intro(introduction) and sum up(conclusion) parts within a hundred-word limit.
13. Don’t explain the content entirely; Let the readers’ imagination fly high
This is more like a suggestion than an English writing tip. Just give the audience what is enough to understand and nothing more. On a second reading, if you feel that you have over-explained your content, try to cut short the excess information. It will be a thrilling experience for the readers to imagine reading between the lines and mount their own stories.
14. In English content writing, use tools like Grammarly to check Grammar

English Grammar is like climbing Mount Everest for most of us. There are so many tools available online to check Grammar while writing like Grammarly, Hemingway, Ginger, Whitesmoke, etc. If you want to, you can copy your paragraphs and paste them over there to check Grammar as well as spelling mistakes. Even professional content writers rely upon these grammar-checking tools nowadays.

15. Use more contractions
English native speakers use more contractions like I’m, You’re, they’re, can’t, etc while speaking. You can include them in your writing also to make it more informal.
I am sure you are able to deliver the quality of work we are looking for. Let us discuss it in our meeting next week.
Using contractions, this sentence will be like,
I’m sure you can deliver the quality of work we’re looking for. Let’s talk about it in our meeting next week.
16. Remember 5 Ws and 1 H
Did you get shocked thinking about what are these Ws and Hs? It’s simple. Who, What, Where, Which, When, and How. Ask these questions to yourselves while writing.
What happened?
Or What is it?
Who did it?
Where did it happen?
Or Where is it?
Which part?
When it happened and
How did it happen?
The answers to these questions help in makes your matter more intelligible to the readers. This adds more clarity to the points you want to convey through your write-up.
17. Try to add more subheadings
Usually, we skip reading those boring articles with no proper subheading distribution. An article with a 3000-word count without subheadings will be too tedious to read. The process of organizing paragraphs will be perfect if you cut down the passages including more subtopics inside.
Example :
A paragraph contains a group of sentences intertwined with each other to discuss, debate, or explain a central idea. It conventionally begins with an indented line. A beginner writer or a student usually starts writing a paragraph having seven sentences, while some professors of composition advise beginners to start with nine sentences, and some others ask them to start with eleven sentences. Some, however, teach all three paragraph types step by step. A simple paragraph is comprised of three major components. The first sentence, which is often a declarative sentence, is called the “topic sentence.” It introduces the topic of the paragraph, setting its tone and mood. The next few sentences elaborate, explain and exemplify the topic introduced in it. These sentences also provide supporting details for the explanation or examples. The final sentence is the concluding sentence, which wraps up the topic discussed in the paragraph.
Giving appropriate subheadings and ordering this paragraph would be like this:
Definition of a paragraph
A paragraph contains a group of sentences intertwined with each other to discuss, debate, or explain a central idea. It conventionally begins with an indented line. A beginner writer or a student usually starts writing a paragraph having seven sentences, while some professors of composition advise beginners to start with nine sentences, and some others ask them to start with eleven sentences. Some, however, teach all three paragraph types step by step.
Components of a paragraph
A simple paragraph is comprised of three major components. The first sentence, which is often a declarative sentence, is called the “topic sentence.” It introduces the topic of the paragraph, setting its tone and mood. The next few sentences elaborate, explain and exemplify the topic introduced in it. These sentences also provide supporting details for the explanation or examples. The final sentence is the concluding sentence, which wraps up the topic discussed in the paragraph.
18. Try more to be specific; Never exceed the word count
This English writing tip is for professional content writers and blog writers. A content writer will often be asked to submit an article not exceeding the fixed word limit. Here, the writer should work within this predetermined framework. He should approach the topic more specifically, planning the whole content in a proper format in his mind itself.
19. Cook as if somebody should eat it; Write as if somebody should read it
Always keep in mind the fact that you are not writing for yourself. There will be known and unknown people among your readers. The content is yours until you publish it. After that, it is open to the public. Anybody can see, read and comment on your article. The emotions you are going through affect the quality of your food in one way or another. So, relax.. take a deep breath…Then take your pen and start writing…
20. Ask your friend to proofread and edit your writing
This English writing tip for beginners will benefit you a lot to identify simple mistakes in your content. Find a friend with whom you are free to ask to sit beside you and check your content. According to his suggestions, edit the write-up, conglomerating your views too.

There are English writing courses online where you will meet native speakers who help you understand their accents and assist you in improving your English writing skills.
The best option that I can suggest to you is the English Writing Course offered by Henry Harvin.
Henry Harvin

Henry Harvin is the best online learning platform to become an expert writer in the global language. The English writing course includes 40-50 hours of live interactive online sessions, internship, and certification and this is a 100 % placement-assisted program. Henry Harvin’s course offers a 100 % money-back guarantee and one year of Gold membership with Language Academy. After the completion of this course, you will be able to write long sentences and paragraphs fast and quickly. Henry Harvin will also assist you in preparing for international English exams like TOEFL and IELTS.
Learning Benefits
- Become a fluent, confident, and flawless English writer in a short period.
- Prepare for International English writing language exams.
- Write and understand ideas, concepts, and topics with ease.
- Mingle with the English writers community like one of them.
- Fly abroad to become a part of Elite Writing Global Language.
- Learn advanced English Grammar.
- Express yourself in English among your peers and native speakers.
- Write or speak on trending topics on public platforms and forums.
Career Benefits
- Avail an opportunity to study in the world’s best Universities of English-speaking nations.
- Write for the millions of organizations all around the Globe.
- Become a favorable candidate to get early Sponsorship in English Speaking Nations.
- Increase your social network multiple-fold through flawless written English through social media posts on various trending topics.
- Do online English writing training with companies from English native countries like a pro.
- Avail F-1 student visa.
- Start a career as an English teacher to teach hundreds of aspiring people.
- Become an online content creator or writer in your network and the local area.
Hope you will find these English Writing tips for beginners from me helpful in your writing. These 20 tips are just a handful among plenty of others. The most important tip amidst all these is to read and write in English regularly. It is a slow process but if you make it a habit, you will see the difference. You will slowly build your vocabulary, learn proper grammar and learn how to spell correctly.
The more you practice your skills, the easier it will become. Have fun writing!
Practice reading and writing in English regularly. Find at least 15 minutes daily to do this. You will slowly develop a passion for it and writing will come on your way.
The basic skills every writer should develop are spelling, capitalization, punctuation, handwriting, and sentence structure. The writer should maintain the basic structure of the sentences, use more connecting words, etc.
Reading and writing are required job skills. A voracious reader and a creative writer are better communicators. It is an added benefit if you learn to write a well-crafted application, resume, and cover letter to get a job.
A good writer is a person who makes his content easy to read. He uses straightforward language that engages and entertains the reader. Good writing skills are also part of the art of effective communication.
Getting positive feedback from his readers is what makes a writer happy and content.
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