Are you embarking on your cybersecurity career and seeking an opportunity to gain practical experience before starting your certification course? You need not be concerned, as there are numerous excellent Cybersecurity books for Mango Man
that can illuminate your way toward a more comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.
This article will provide an in-depth analysis of your library’s seven most essential cybersecurity publications. It will furnish you with concise summaries of the seven most recommended books.

Top 7 Cybersecurity Books for Mango Man in 2024
This blog has carefully selected the seven best books on cybersecurity to help consumers narrow down the vast sea of excellent resources available.
1. A Guide To Cybersecurity- Henry Harvin

This book contains a wealth of information about malware. These Cybersecurity books for Mango Man do a great job of defining and conveying the concepts. If you have a basic understanding of cybersecurity, this book will provide fantastic insight into the fight against malware.
This book is essential reading for anyone new to cyber security. And wants to launch an ethical hacking career. Learn more about the various hacking attacks, hackers, and essential hacking tools in this in-depth study. Mobile and email hacking, as well as penetration testing, are also available for analysis. This short book serves as an introduction to the field of ethical hacking.
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2. The Art Of Invisibility

The former hacker turned computer security expert Kevin Mitnick has documented numerous in-depth profiles worldwide. He wrote a book about cyber security that explains how to hide your identity when surfing the web.
This book covers the basics of cyber security, like using strong passwords and utilising secure Wi-Fi, to more complex methods like hiding your online footprint. These Cybersecurity books for Mango Man explain security loopholes and how to protect yourself.
3. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation

Author Jon Erickson does more than just demonstrate how to use current exploits. He elucidates the inner workings of complex hacking methods. The 2nd edition of this book explains the basics of C programming from a hacker’s point of view. It also makes the art and science of hacking accessible to a broader audience.
It is one of the cyber security books that makes it possible to understand the basics of the field with little to no technical knowledge. In addition, the book’s alphabetical glossary at the end will help you translate some of the most essential technical terminology in cybersecurity into everyday language.
4. Hacking the Hacker: Learn from the Experts Who Take Down Hackers

Twenty-six of the best white hat hackers, security researchers, writers, and leaders describe their work. Moreover, this book introduced the requisite technology that assumes no prior knowledge.
Dr Charlie Miller details the dangers, defences, tools, and techniques to thwart the most sophisticated criminals in history. This book offers an introduction to all the topics mentioned in the index. Therefore, the jargon and mystery are kept to a minimum. The last chapters guide young hackers’ parents, and the book concludes with the Code of Ethical Hacking.
5. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software

The viruses in cyberspace are constantly growing. This is a fantastic book if you’re looking for a blueprint to help you prepare for and defend against malware attacks.
It is a highly realistic and applicable text that gives readers an in-depth look at how security experts deal with malware. Establishing secure virtual environments, analysing real-world malware, and creating decompression methods are all part of this effort.
You can learn how to analyse, debug, and disassemble harmful software. It teaches readers how to decipher malware, evaluate its effects, clean networks, and prevent it from returning.
The book covered the primary analysis tools such as WinDbg, IDA Pro, and OllyDbg so readers can learn how to use them effectively.
6. TOR: A Dark Net Journey on How to Be Anonymous Online

Many governments across the world have experienced an invasion of citizen privacy. Threats associated with traffic analysis, interpersonal interactions, commercial transactions, and national security are all discussed.
Methods of maintaining online anonymity are detailed in this book. It explains what TOR is, how to set it up, how it operates, and what hidden services it offers. The author wrote with the newbie in mind and includes a glossary of essential terms.
7. Permanent Record

Edward Snowden startled the world in 2013 when he publicly dissented from the American intelligence community. He revealed in his book that the government of the United States was actively seeking methods to secretly collect every phone conversation, text message, and email. The result would be a global monitoring system unlike any seen before, having the potential to invade the personal lives of every person on the planet. Six years later, Snowden now explains how he contributed to the development of this system and what ultimately motivated him to disclose it.
Spanning the bucolic Beltway suburbs of his boyhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, Permanent Record is the fascinating narrative of a bright young man who grew up online. This guy became a spy, a whistleblower, and, in exile, the Internet’s conscience. Permanent Record is a vital memoir of our digital age. He wrote with humour, grace, passion, and unflinching truth.
These books on cyber security are excellent resources for learning the basics. These cybersecurity books can help you get up to speed on the fundamentals, history, and current realities of the tech industry in this age of digital growth. Readers have a plethora of options when it comes to Cybersecurity books for Mango Man. Of course, other publications are available besides those listed here. These books have something to offer, from novice to expert, in the field of cyber security. Henry Harvin’s Cyber Security course is where you should go if you want to learn more about the ins and outs of cybersecurity.
- Is there going to be a need for cybersecurity specialists in 2024?
Ans: By 2024, there will be over a million open positions in the cybersecurity industry, but only about 403,065 educated cybersecurity specialists will fill them. The field of cyber security is expanding rapidly. Forecasts call for a 15% expansion in 2024 and a 22% expansion in 2025. The annual compensation in this fast-paced field is $85,000.
- Is cybersecurity going to be replaced by AI?
Ans: While artificial intelligence (AI) has its place in cybersecurity, it is not a panacea. Although AI can automate and improve many aspects of cybersecurity, it cannot replace human expertise in the ever-changing threat landscape.
- Is it simple for newcomers to learn cybersecurity?
Ans: If you are genuinely interested in technology, learning cybersecurity will be easier than you might think. If you take the time to develop an interest in the tools, you may discover that mastering daunting tasks becomes second nature.
- Is remote work an option for cyber security?
Ans: Cybersecurity professions like computer and IT-related jobs are ideal for remote work. Information cybersecurity analyst employment is expected to expand 32% between 2022 and 2032, substantially faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
- Is the field of cybersecurity fun?
Ans: Even though six out of ten cybersecurity professionals acknowledge their field can be demanding, 79% of cybersecurity professionals say they are content with their job choice, according to ESG & ISSA’s The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals 2021 research.
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